A Canon 7D converted to a dedicated PL mount. It is rock-solid because the update includes internal camera modification instead of just a "screwed" on PL Mount. This is what you actually need when heading for a real action-cam mounted to a race car etc. |
The FGV Hybrid LWS centers the lens to provide the proper height and offset when using standard motion picture equipment. If you attach a zoom or tele-lens you can use your own 15 or 19mm bridge plate and support rods. In this case the lightweight support acts as a riser plate for perfect height and offset. |
The AG-3DA1 is the world's first professional, fully-integrated Full HD 3D camcorder that records to SD card media. The AG-3DA1 will democratize 3D production by giving professional videographers a more affordable, flexible, reliable and easier-to-use tool for capturing immersive content as well as providing a training tool for educators