Bolex H16 Reflex 16mm Movie Camera Prop #F4

Paillard S.A. of Switzerland introduced the first bolex h-16 type camera in the early thirties. No one remembers today what the letter "h" stands for, but it has become synonymous with a versatile, compact, high-quality camera around the globe and in the years to come it outsold all other 16mm cameras ever made.

All of the basic features of the original bolex h-16 were so well selected and designed that they withstood the test of time and all of these features are present without significant change on the most modern bolex spring driven cameras of today. Outstanding quality of selected materials and fine swiss craftsmenship speak for themselves, as many of the original bolex cameras, which are now almost 50 years old, are still in circulation and faithfully serve their owners all over the world.

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